As we roll into February 2016, it seems like New Years Eve was light years ago already, no? Time marches on, as they say, and soon it will indeed be March...then April , and May, and...before you know it we're running around in teeshirts and sandals! Soooo, in the interest of getting a jump on things here, I'd just like to put it out there that I am already actively booking performance engagements for the coming Spring and Summer.
The kinds of situations I'd like to find myself in for the coming year are of the smaller, more intimate variety. Small theaters, galleries, and performance spaces are ideal for my solo show, which is a wildly eclectic mix of original Jazz and World music, presented concert style as a "one man band for the 21st century"....you can get a good idea of what I mean by that description from my recordings, and even more so from the various videos like this one...
...which I have posted on Youtube and on my website. If you have any suggestions for venues that might fit this kind of show, I'd love to hear from you. And if you are interested in hosting a private "house concert" for you and your friends, I strongly encourage you to contact me...I've been thinking about doing alot more of this kind of event, which can be a uniquely special way of enjoying live music...for you and for me!
Also on my radar are just plain old house and backyard summer parties, of course! I've got quite a bit of summer flavored music to bring to that kind of thing...grooves from Brazil, Cuba, Jamaica, Africa, India and beyond, mixed with cool jazz and funk and blended together for a perfect summer's day or evening chillout. And depending on what suits the budget for your summer bash, I can show up as the one man band...
or with an entire live rhythm section of top notch pros like this...
Either way, a memorable time is guaranteed! The bottom line? I'm ready to get out and play it live alot more in 2016. Lots more. For you. Really. Wanna help make it happen?